Shall we deny him our feet to climb those stairs; shall we keep back those hands that he would use; and shall we seal the lips by which he would speak the tender message to the dying soul?

Nay, rather, shall we not say:

"Take my feet, and let them be
Swift and beautiful for thee.
Take my lips and let them be
Filled with messages from thee.

"Take my hands, and let them move
At the impulse of thy love.
Take my voice, and let me sing
Always, only, for my King."

And by every movement of our bodies say to men as we pass on our pilgrim way: "I no longer live, but Christ liveth in me." So live that our lives shall be a demonstration that "Christ in us, the hope of glory," is the Indwelling Presence that guides us in that way.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Beloved of the Lord,
Tonight God is speaking this word to the depth of my being. Maybe it is just for me, but it may be for those of you that God is preparing for this New Year of great change. Please test this in the Holy Spirit.

Directional changing winds: A new season:

The winds of change are here, and they are going to blow in different directions at different times and change your directions swiftly. This is going to be uncomfortable to many of my people specially the religious people who don't know the ways of the Lord, because it will make no sense for their natural mind to comprehend. Why would God "seemingly change his mind."

He is not doing so. We must be like the tribe of Issachar in these last days who knew the "timing and seasons" of the Lord. But the length of each time for each time and seasons is changing and shortening.

Some seasons could be an hour, or a day, a week, and then God changes direction with no warning. Will you follow Him when that would make you look so unstable to others who have a natural mindset? Will you fear what men say about you or what God says?

These rapid change of directions are to teach obedience, and to trust the Lord in a new and deeper way. Will we suffer persecution from people and saints for looking foolish and fickle as we blow with the wind? If we will, the new inner workings of the Lord in our hearts that these changes will make in us  will produce a greater and lasting fruit in us. We will be led by the cloud by day and the fire by night.

This new and deeper surrender to God's ways by the quickening of the wind blowing swiftly in different directions will truly allow us to be taught how to be "led by the spirit of God" as full grown Sons and Daughters.

These sudden changes or changing winds is a new work of discipline in us. The Holy Spirit is putting a stronger harness of God on his own ones to produce in us the deepest surrender to His will that will cause us to become a wheel within a wheel.

We must learn a deeper sensitivity to the moving of God's Holy Spirit, not just by hearing a Word from God by reading the Bible alone. That word must be breathed upon by the Holy Spirit to become a "rhema" or "living" word in our hearts that can now bring us clarity and instruction. The word must become flesh or our personal experience in reality in our own lives so we "know what the Master is doing as His friends."

The wind of God is going to activate those words spoken to us years ago waiting to be fulfilled. They could not come forth yet because of the one directional horizontal wind blowing of the present church system age.  But now, oh dear Children of God, those words will be activated in you as you surrender to the deep work of God that He has longed to do as you learn to  move with the sudden movements of God's winds.

No other way can bring this about in our hearts but by the sudden changes and movements of God's wind in and for our lives. We are either His or our own. These rapidly changing winds of God will prove to which we belong, ourselves or to God alone.

It is a new day as we learn how to blow and change in this season of God's wind blowing through us like never before. We must come to know more intimately the movements and moving of the Holy Spirit at work in us. This is why this season of new and deeper surrender and discipline is needed in our hearts to be prepared to rule and reign with Him.

This last work of God is not another move of God, or a movement of God like Toronto or Pensecola or even a revival, but it is a deep moving of God within His people to do and become all He desires us to be for His glory alone. 
The rapid wind changes that the Lord is now bringing will force us to develop a deeper sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and to the Lord Himself. It will produce a deep spiritual maturity in those that are willing to travel down this path.

John 3:8 says,
The wind blows wherever it will, and you hear the sound it makes, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit."
This is our destiny moment! Change is coming swiftly by the blowing and changing of the direction of the wind. It is starting out as gentle breeze right now ever so slowly changing directions.

But by the end of the year it will be a hurricane 5 force wind changing from moment to moment, hour by hour, week by week, month by month and year by year, to bring forth our eternal destiny and plans of the Lord.

Will you blow with the wind of God? You can't hold unto your life in any shape or way and be instructed how to blow in with the wind. God is capturing the true hearts of his own ones who are surrendering to this work of God in their lives.

You can't hold unto your stuff, your job, or your family above God and blow in this wind that God is now bringing forth. You must give the entirety of your being fully to the Lord and His purposes, surrendering all into our Master's hands.

The winds of change and directional change are going to test and try us like never before.  It will bring forth a Holy Separation from all that is carnal and of the flesh in our hearts . That which is flesh is flesh and that which is Spirit is Spirit. The flesh profits nothing but blessed are they that move only by the Holy Spirit's leading.

The winds of directional changes are coming. The winds are blowing in their directions as God's will. Will you blow with that wind? Will you hold unto nothing to become a wheel within in a wheel, a people within a people? Will you allow the Holy Spirit to own the totality of your being as a living sacrifice to our Lord and King Jesus Christ?

Such are the ways of the Lord! Remember hold unto nothing and blow where the Lord allows you to blow even to the uttermost parts of the Earth.


Henry J.Falcone
Flame of Fire Ministries

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