Shall we deny him our feet to climb those stairs; shall we keep back those hands that he would use; and shall we seal the lips by which he would speak the tender message to the dying soul?

Nay, rather, shall we not say:

"Take my feet, and let them be
Swift and beautiful for thee.
Take my lips and let them be
Filled with messages from thee.

"Take my hands, and let them move
At the impulse of thy love.
Take my voice, and let me sing
Always, only, for my King."

And by every movement of our bodies say to men as we pass on our pilgrim way: "I no longer live, but Christ liveth in me." So live that our lives shall be a demonstration that "Christ in us, the hope of glory," is the Indwelling Presence that guides us in that way.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011




Sweet Whispers, Sweet Whispers
speaking softly everywhere,
searching for someone yet who still may care,
unknowingly being blown from here to there
amidst an angry tempest of winds blowing our way
due to the heavy message it does bear!
Yet, there remains the thought of many who say
to the mind set of a generation now living in the Lord's Day,
Sweet Whispers, Sweet Whispers
of truth we are giving away,
Sweet Whispers so soft one must hush to hear
it's harpist strumming cords of melody to someone dear.
An innocent soul must still remain near,
but will they recognize the voice behind the whisper so clear.
Sweet Whispers, Sweet Whispers
singing praises in one's ear
of glad tidings and good cheer,
a comfort to all who will listen and hear
of "New" things to come, no longer will one fear!
 Sweet Whispers, Sweet Whispers
Sacred secrets sprinkled about,
to a generation in history
to whom is being revealed this mystery
of prophetic sayings now coming to a completion;
All get prepared for "Our Lord's" restitution!

Inspired 6/27/97

1 comment:

Joanne said...

I love this one so beautiful