Shall we deny him our feet to climb those stairs; shall we keep back those hands that he would use; and shall we seal the lips by which he would speak the tender message to the dying soul?

Nay, rather, shall we not say:

"Take my feet, and let them be
Swift and beautiful for thee.
Take my lips and let them be
Filled with messages from thee.

"Take my hands, and let them move
At the impulse of thy love.
Take my voice, and let me sing
Always, only, for my King."

And by every movement of our bodies say to men as we pass on our pilgrim way: "I no longer live, but Christ liveth in me." So live that our lives shall be a demonstration that "Christ in us, the hope of glory," is the Indwelling Presence that guides us in that way.

Sunday, February 6, 2011



Jehovah, please do take this mixture of dirt & dust,
add your “living Waters” to loosen this crust,
to form a mold in the likeness of the Christ,
giving us our needed instruction and advice,
in order to meet your desired requirements,
come this memorial to again partake of our recompense.
So insignificant we stand “alone”,
We humbly kneel before your lofty Throne,
as we beg your forgiveness for all past wrong,
that we may continue to walk along the throng,
with our tears, add these too, this very day,
to moisten yet evermore this rough crusted clay,
giving us a clearer understanding of your Devine Purpose,
that we may all be united with you, your Son, yes, all of us,
one together we stand, so imperfect, we except your reprimand,
that we may be found faultless by means of your loving hand,
remind us of your all inspiring ways,
that we never take for granted what we see as only haze,
until your grand finale, unlocking that final door,
to your “New Creation” where we shall reside with you forevermore!

Inspired 3/15/01

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