Shall we deny him our feet to climb those stairs; shall we keep back those hands that he would use; and shall we seal the lips by which he would speak the tender message to the dying soul?

Nay, rather, shall we not say:

"Take my feet, and let them be
Swift and beautiful for thee.
Take my lips and let them be
Filled with messages from thee.

"Take my hands, and let them move
At the impulse of thy love.
Take my voice, and let me sing
Always, only, for my King."

And by every movement of our bodies say to men as we pass on our pilgrim way: "I no longer live, but Christ liveth in me." So live that our lives shall be a demonstration that "Christ in us, the hope of glory," is the Indwelling Presence that guides us in that way.

Monday, February 7, 2011



                                      A revelation has been given to me this day,
that a great revival of hearts are coming our way,
due to the fact that Christ our Lord & Savior is on his way.
As Daniel was told to seal up the book until the end,
for at that me the knowledge of THE LORD will become abundant
due to His Holy Spirit He will send.
Then all nations, indeed, in His Name, will have HOPE,
it will take much FAITH in which to cope,
many will rove about,
and praise his name with a mighty shout,
many will receive Christ into their hearts
and together they will stand, shoulder to shoulder; hand in hand,
looking up for Christ’s arrival
as they hold their worldwide revival,
and as God’s Son, Our Messiah, makes his appearance
on clouds on high,
we all will give out a mighty, joyful cry,
saying in unison, our victory is won,
at long last, God’s will has been done,
as we all RISE to give OUR STANDING OVATION !

Inspired 6/1/2010

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